The African Music Special Interest Group is pleased to invite submissions for this weblog, which, along with the mailing list, serves as a central communication site for members. Any items of interest to members of the Special Interest Group, including conference announcements, calls for abstracts, events, descriptions of research or publications, and similar newsworthy items, can be sent to the web master, Nicol Hammond, at africanmusicictm (at) gmail (dot) com, and/or posted directly to the mailing list by sending an email to ictmamsg (at) googlegroups (dot) com, or by visiting the google group at You can join the google group by visiting

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Draft Constitution

Dear Study Group members,
As promised, here is the draft constitution for your perusal and comments. Please post your suggestions, thoughts and ideas below in the comments, and please include your real name if at all possible so that we can keep track of contributions. Please email me if you have any difficulties. The deadline for comments is midnight, 2 August 2011. We look forward to hearing from you.

Proposed African Musics Study Group of the International Council for Traditional Music


1        Mission Statement

The key function of the African Musics Study Group (AMSG) shall be to promote, preserve disseminate and protect African musics and dance in all their aspects, functions and geographical locations, in Africa and in the diaspora; with a particular emphasis on indigenous/traditional African musics in sub-Saharan and diasporic Africa.

2        Organizational Plan

2.1     Executive Committee

All members of the Executive Committee shall be bona fide members of ICTM.

The Executive Committee shall comprise a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Vice-Treasurer.

All members of the Executive Committee shall serve 2 terms of 2 years.  The present Executive Committee’s term begins July 2011.

2.2     Responsibilities of the Executive Committee:

2.2.1  Chair

The Chair serves as liaison between the AMSG and the Executive Board of ICTM. The other key tasks include the following:

  • Co-ordinate and chair the AMSG meetings;
  • Report on the activities of the AMSG to the Executive Board of ICTM through the Secretary General;
  • Prepare quarterly reports to members of the Study Group;
  • Ensure that the Rules and Memorandum of the Study Groups as set out by ICTM are observed.
  • Sets the agenda for both Executive Committee meetings and General Assembly in consultation with the Vice-Chair and Secretary

2.2.2  Vice-Chair

The Vice Chair shall deputize for the Chair
  • Co-ordinate fundraising and publication activities
  • Supervise the activities of the sub-committees
  • Assures quality and manages disciplinary matters

2.2.3    Secretary
The Secretary shall serve as communications officer to both the Executive Committee and members of the AMSG
  • Schedule meetings of the Executive Committee in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair
  • Distributes the agenda for both the Executive Committee and the AMSG
  • Records and distributes minutes of meetings within two weeks of the meeting date after approval of the Chair and Vice-Chair
  • Prepare study group report for the ICTM bulletin in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the AMSG

2.2.4  The Treasurer shall:
  • Be in charge of all financial matters concerning the AMSG.
  • Submit quarterly statements of accounts to the Executive Committee. Submit annual financial reports to an auditor
  • The Treasurer and Chair are to open a bank account bearing the name African Music Study Group, with the Chair, Treasurer and Vice-Treasurer as co-signatories. Each transaction must include the signature of either the Chair or the Treasurer and one other signatory.

2.2.4    Deputy Treasure shall deputize for the Treasurer
  • In consultation with the Treasurer shall spearhead fundraising.

2.3    Members
·        Members shall pay membership dues as set annually by the Executive Committee
·        Members shall be encouraged to be bona fide members of the ICTM
·        Members shall have voting rights within the AMSG
·        Members are entitled to serve on the executive committee

2.4    Co-options
·        Members shall be co-opted to undertake various tasks as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee
·        Co-options to be supervised by the Vice-Chair

3           Subcommittees
Each sub-committee will be chaired by one or two members of the Executive Committee
·        Publications – Patricia Opondo, Marie Agatha Ozah
·        Fundraising – Mandy Carver, Marie Agatha Ozah
·        Collaboration and Patnerships – Rose Omolo-Ongati
·        Website – Alvin Petersen


  1. Comments from Anja Brunner
    Dear all,

    thanks a lot for all the effort put into founding the African Music Study
    group – and in so little time!
    As I am very happy with this initiative, I want to contribute actively
    myself, and I just found some time to read through the draft constitution.
    Overall, it seems good to me. Some thoughts came to my mind though that
    I’d like to put down here for consideration. I am not very familiar with
    (English) constitutional matters, and some aspects might be of no
    importance or regulated elsewhere, or they had already been discussed in
    other meetings I could not attend. If so, please just ignore them.

    Here my questions and remarks on the current text:
    In point 2.2.4 there is an „auditor“ mentioned, whose role/function is not
    again specified anywhere. How and by whom is this auditor chosen? Further,
    it states “one other signatory” – does that mean of any member or of
    someone of the Executive Committee?
    After 2.2.4 follows again 2.2.4; this should probably be changed to 2.2.5,
    and the title should maybe read “The Deputy Treasurer shall:” as the other
    points do. At the moment two terms are used for this position: Vice
    Treasurer (in point 2.1.) and Deputy Treasurer; settling for one would be

    Further, I have a question on the election of the Executive Committee: It
    only states the length of terms to be served, but nothing so far on when
    and how positions are elected. Is this regulated elsewhere? If not, maybe
    it would be good to include basic rules in the constitution.

    Concerning the subcommittees: The constitution does not state anything
    detailed yet on subcommittees and how they are founded and how one may
    join and what their purpose is. Do I understand rightly that these four
    are currently in existence and the current members of the Executive
    Committee responsible? I would suggest to leave this out for the moment in
    a general constitution, as responsibilities as well as subcommittees can

    I also am a bit in doubt about the subcommittees; it seems to me that this
    could lead to over-structuring and too many organizational matters. But I
    suppose that there has already been an agreement on the existence of
    subcommittees. Another possibility could be maybe to state
    responsibilities of people that are then co-opted to the Executive
    Committee for the very purpose.

    So far from my side, I hope that these remarks are productive and
    constructive. If anything is not clear, please get back to me!

    All the best,

    Anja Brunner
    Vienna University, Institute for Musicology

  2. Dear all,

    thanks for all the effort with creating a constitution, launching this site and many other things...

    I am not really able to comment on the legal issues but I feel quite concerned about the mission statement. As someone mentioned during the meeting in St. John's there is a word "research" missing in the statement. I am a researcher, I am a scholar. I am not NGO. I am here to do research (though it may have political consequences and as any research it is political in many ways), I am not to here to "promote, preserve, disseminate and protect". I do not think African music needs anything like this. I cannot and do not subscribe to this political agenda. May be it is not a right place for me then. Though I thought that creating a study group on African music(s) would be a good opportunity for sharing ideas on its research but it seems to me that there is something else going on here. Well, this is my opinion.

    Vit Zdralek
    Institute of Musicology, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

  3. Dear colleagues,

    I strongly support Vít Zdralek's comment above. The AMSG should not "promote, disseminate, protect, preserve" African music! Being part of ICTM the AMSG should provide a platform of scholars researching African music(s) in the widest sense.

    Jürgen Schöpf, Phonogrammarchiv, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Wien, AUSTRIA

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dear all,

    I would also join in the concern of the word "research" missing in the mission statement (I also mentioned it at the meeting): I don't think we can or even should try to "promote African music", that would be too huge a task for our small group of researchers. But of course through research and the related archiving and publishing of materials we might sometimes result in doing that as well. To put it short, I hope that the mission statement would be more focused on research.

    I agree with Anja's concern about the subcommittees, if it is necessary to detail them in the constitution (obviously the names of current members should not be included in the constitution). Could item nr 3 simply state that the executive committee has the authority to form subcommittees for specific tasks?

    Elina Seye
    School of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Tampere, Finland

  6. I support Juergen Schoepf's as well as Vít Zdralek's comment. Apart from that I have no further objections.
    Manfred Bartmann
